The life of Bernard Brown

Bernard Brown grew up in Thornton Heath with his parents Eve and Rege and with his siblings. Very early he knew that he wanted to become a teacher, thus he studied history and politics. He taught English in various schools in Italy and West Germany where he met his wife Erika. He started a life with her in Germany in his 20s where he had to study again to become a teacher and civil servant. He became father of Ruben, Daniel and Andreas who are now creating this webpage in memory of him. Bernard was incredibly active and creative. Besides his job as an English and History teacher at the Fachoberschule in Bad Tölz, he also taught people for Telekolleg on Saturday. When he was 65 years old, he left the Fachoberschule in Bad Tölz and officially retired. Nevertheless, he could not stop teaching. He gave lessons at the Realschule in Miesbach and also English courses at the Volkshochschule. He wrote several books and he also gave private lessons. He could speak many languages fluently, like Italian, French, Hebrew besides English and German. He was fascinated by the development of languages and planned to write a book about the development and relationships of words of European languages.

Still he had time for a very satisfying private life and for social engagement. He was particularly active in the Social Democratic Party (SPD) and Amnesty International. He was a fighter for human rights. He still was a fighter when he was diagnosed with cancer. Even with this terrible diagnosis, he did not lose his confidence and humor. After undergoing a serious operation, he recovered quickly but in late autumn 2021 the cancer returned. Bernard died at home surrounded by his family.